Foundation Alumni
Cruise to Southern Caribbean, Aug 16-23, 2014
Puerto Rico,St.Kitts,St.Marten,Antigua,St.Lucia,Barbados
Call Dave at 516-524-1442 for info.

Alumni MONTHLY meeting dates 2014 at St.Augustine Hall. 4301 Ave D.
April 25,May 30,June 28,Sept 27, Oct 17,Nov 21,Dec 19.

Yearly dues of $35 now due.

Dont forget annual cocktail sip May18 @St.Gabriel"s Golden Hall
6-11pm.Adm $45

Health walk set for Sept 20.Meeting hall 4301 Ave D to Carnarsie Park.9am-
Refreshments served after.

Church service Sunday April 27 at St.Leonards.Pls worship with alumni.

NABO Convention in Hartford July 4-6.Foundation plan to have a bus going,details to follow.

Karaoke date has been postponed until further notice.